ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH, NASH has a varied range of services as shown in the table of the Benefice service pattern with, each month, two eucharistic services (CW), one matins or evensong (BCP) and one family friendly Church4All. The communion services are well attended and attract worshippers (many with another church connection) from outside the village. The carol service is a key village event with a large congregation; this service has a choir formed from the considerable musical talent within Nash.
In a village without a shop or a pub, the Church, the Village Hall and the Recreation Ground, with its play area, are the key facilities. Nash Village Hall currently has an active Social Committee which recruits volunteers to run, each month, a pop-up-pub (The Pump) and a community café, as well as various other social events. All Saints’ seeks to be an integral part of Nash village life and, within its resources, organises social events for the community which complement the Village Hall events. The Village Hall and the Church organize jointly a summer Village Fete to raise funds for the Village Hall and the Church. Recently there has also been a produce show to lead into the Church’s Harvest Festival Service and the Harvest supper and Auction. The current social activities organised by the church are:
• Beetle Drive (January)
• Soup Lunch (Ash Wednesday & All Saints’)
• Weekday Lunches (Quarterly)
• Harvest Supper
• Carol singing for charity
• Coffee mornings
• Knit and Natta afternoons (most months)
All Saints’ Church contributes to the International Nepal Fellowship to support the work of Dr Shirley Heywood as a medical missionary in Nepal (her father was rector of the three-village benefice). We hold two coffee mornings a year to raise these funds.
The Church organizes children’s activities on Good Friday, Christmas Eve, monthly events for parents and young children, and a holiday club in August.
There are regular day and evening study groups and a fortnightly prayer group. A recent innovation has been offering a place of silence and a sacred space, again on a fortnightly basis. The Church has responsibility for producing of the village newsletter and aims to welcome all new residents to the village with a “village welcome leaflet” with practical information and contact details.