Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding People Policy
Our Policy
The Blackthorn Chase Benefice is committed to ensuring that our churches and activities are safe spaces for everyone and take the safeguarding of children, young people and vulnerable adults very seriously. We adhere to the safeguarding rules laid down by the Church of England and the Diocese of Oxford.
Any safeguarding concerns can be addressed either to the Rector of our Benefice Safeguarding Officer.

Who’s Who in our Parish?
Rector, Revd Jacqueline Dove : 01280 817828 or
Benefice Safeguarding Officer (for safeguarding concerns in respect of children or vulnerable adults): Pam King 0788 4044301 or

Who else can be contacted in an emergency?
Call Oxford Diocese Safeguarding on 01865 208 295 or email for urgent safeguarding concerns Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm and Friday 9am – 4.30pm. For urgent safeguarding enquiries outside of office hours (see below), please call Oxford Diocese partners Thirtyone:eight on 0303 003 1111 for confidential advice, guidance and support.
Our Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (DSO) is Tsungai Muchegwa: 07435 550 685
Buckinghamshire County Council Children’s Safeguarding Phone:01296 383962, Emergency Duty Team (out of hours): 08009 997 677
Buckinghamshire County Council Vulnerable Adult Safeguarding Phone: 0800 137 915 ,Emergency Duty Team (out of hours): 0800 999 7677